Sunday 23 November 2008

Snow dogs and hens

Snow fell last night and the garden looked lovely this morning. I had a feeling it wouldn't be around all day so took some photos while I could.

I don't remember Jana experiencing snow last winter but, if she had, it looked like she had forgotten what it was. She regarded it with suspicion, she isn't keen on the cold and this was definitely cold, but it didn't take long for her to decide that it was actually a fun thing. The paps, but maybe not Rosa, had seen it all before of course and they really love the snow......even if it does create mini snowballs all through their coats! It's impossible to walk them in soft, powdery stuff. Jana and Rosa enjoyed it the most and were chasing the snowballs I threw for them.

It was definitely a new experience for the hens but, after a bit of hesitation, all three were out and about in it. This was not the case with our last two, they were horrified to see the garden covered by such horrible white stuff and refused to cross it. This meant they stuck to the edges where there was the odd patch that had thawed. Just the once, in a desperate attempt to reach the kitchen (and in the hope of a grape or two), Blue, with much flapping of clipped wings, tried launching herself into the air and flying down across the garden........a not inconsiderable distance. She failed miserably and ended up stranded in the middle, from where we had to rescue her.

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