All thoughts of Spring have swiftly disappeared as our weather goes from bad to worse. Cold northerly winds have brought rain, rain and more rain plus some sleet and hail showers thrown in for good measure. There's even talk of more snow falling.
As a reminder of warmer days, I am posting some photos which were taken a week ago.

I was thrilled to hear and see a flock of about 16 waxwings in a tree opposite my house. These birds are occasional visitors to Britain, coming over from Scandinavia looking for food when conditions are harsh over there. They are particularly keen on berries. It's been a number of years since I last saw any so I rushed to photograph them before they flew away but I needn't have worried because they hung around a couple of days and I was able to shoot them as they stripped a neighbour's cotoneaster bush of its berries.
They are very distinctive birds and quite easy to photograph because they allow you to get fairly close to them.