Well........maybe not
quite a jungle but the warm weather we've been enjoying, mixed with the odd shower here and there, has allowed everything to flourish. Garden weeds especially!
The paths on one of the dogs' favourite walks have almost disappeared in places and the grasses are at my head height (5'2" in case you were wondering). I can push through it but imagine what it must be like from papillon level! Sadly, although the grasses are not impenetrable, the same can not be said for the nasty, sharp gorse, which is slowly but surely closing up many of the trails that we used to walk through. The keener rabbit hunters of my pack may be prepared to brave it but I'm certainly not! I can see a time when we won't be able to walk there at all.

Where did the path go?

Leaping skills come in handy here

Definitely a jungle for Louis
All that wildness makes for insect heaven

A Six-spot Burnet moth

Small Tortoiseshell butterfly

This Bumblebee was covered in pollen
Lots of seed production happening too

Doesn't the seed head make a lovely pattern?
We've been to a few shows over the last two weekends and father and son, Louis and Desmond, kept up their run of success. At Turriff just over a week ago, Des won his class and Louis was Best Toy Veteran. Last Saturday was Tayside and Lochee Open show at Carnoustie where both boys got the same result and at Keith on Sunday Louis took Best Veteran in Show.

The boys with their winning rosettes