At last I've managed to catch up with Easter. I did try yesterday but Blogger was not being very co-operative so I gave up. Prepare yourselves for a mammoth post as there are quite a few photos! I was quite ruthless and plenty ended up on the cutting-room floor, this still left me with loads but I like them all, and it's my blog, so post them I have. I warn you now, there is much running of dogs........with a handful of humans mixed in for good measure.
Ian, Lynne and grandson Euan came to stay for a few days and brought the collies, Sam, Jura and Kyloh, along with them. My sister Paula, her husband Julian, Alex and Lewis, my niece and nephew, plus Jake the puppy vizsla, came up too but they all stayed at my mum's house. It's just as well we have the two houses as it makes family visits a lot less cramped. When we all got together there were four generations of my family and fourteen dogs between us!
The weather was wonderful almost every day the visitors were here and we had some lovely walks together. Euan is now toddling but not all the time, hands and knees are still his preferred method of moving about. He did manage to walk from one side of the sitting-room to the other a few times and he was also tackling bends occasionally. The paps and Jana have never really had much to do with children but it hasn't taken them long to discover just how great toddlers are.......especially at meal times! Euan thought it was great fun to share his toast with them. He had a pack of paps sat around him and he had their complete attention! Dog handler in the making.
Now for the photos (remember you can click on them for a larger view).
Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin.

Toffee in sprint mode

A run in Roseisle woods.
Jura, Ky and Sam take the lead with Jake close behind

My mum's little Lia sorts out Jake

The three collies after a dip in a very dirty and smelly ditch

Seeing as we only have a shower, Euan makes do with a splash in the kitchen sink
We visited the
whale and dolphin centre at Spey Bay one day. The dolphins are often spotted at the mouth of the river and ospreys can be seen fishing there too. We weren't lucky enough to see anything though, maybe next time.

Euan goes off on a mission

This statue was the only osprey that we saw

Euan strides out

Alex, the horse lover, practises her jumps........ does Lynne, the dog agility fan. Marks out of ten for style, please.

From Spey Bay to Lossie forest for more dog running

The four generations, plus some of the dogs

Diving Sam. Going..........


Whilst we were taking photos of the dogs in the water, Paula felt something moving under her feet. When she looked down, this is what she was standing on.......

......a wood ants' nest!!! Her shrieks were quite impressive.

Checking for any stray ants!
Another day, another walk

Alex and Lewis go mountain climbing

Gypsy appears to be looking dreamily into Desmond's eyes

Coming at ya!

Alex has the ball and Lia, who is even more obsessed than Pansy, wants it!

I actually managed to catch Des in quite a good pose

Jana had some great games with Jake

Jana generally ran rings around 10 month old Jake but this time it was his turn to tease with the ball

On Easter Monday Ian met up with his friend Stuart and they went jumping off the harbour, just like they used to do in the school summer holidays.

Euan with Nannie at the harbour

Ian and Stuart taking a big leap

Going off the outer wall

Euan gets a swing from Nannie and Paula
Ian and Lynne discovered a great soft play centre nearby. It was pretty quiet and Euan had it to himself for a while. LSH and I took the motorbike out for a run there.

LSH and Euan lean into a corner on a mini Blackbird

On the bouncy castle

Then down its slide

Looks like Ian is having a great time!

Euan has a giggle pulling his grandah's beard

Getting in a bit of toddling

Euan was quite intrigued by the rabbits

Who needs toys when you have a water bowl?
Jake and Jana got to go for a long walk together on the last day of the holiday

They had fun checking out the rock pools

Looking back along the coast to Hopeman harbour. It was another beautiful day but a little hazy out to sea

Fulmars nest along this stretch of coast. I love to watch them fly, they are so graceful

Jana wasn't all that keen on having to sit right beside Jake..........

..........but she loves him really - just look at that grin!
The two of them enjoying an evening romp on the beach