It's actually been almost a month since family were visiting and I've only just got around to posting the photos. There seems to be so little time for blogging when the weather is good.
I didn't even take that many photos when everyone was here.......must do better next time.
The day before Ian, Lynne and Euan arrived, they were at a cousin's wedding and the photo below is of Euan looking mega cute in his first ever kilt, complete with a slightly oversized sporran!

Out for a walk in the woods

Getting good at running now
The dogs came too........

............Lynne's Sam.........

............Kyloh (trying to ignore Jana).......

.........and Jura

Gypsy's ears are out of control

Jura - ever the agility dog
On a trip to the farm shop......

The budding rock climber

Lewis the tractor nut

Euan tries out Jana's bed
Autumn has begun here, there's a chill in the air now in the mornings and evenings and the leaves are starting to change colour. Hay bales and stubble fields are another sign and one that Jana and Teasel really love. So many smells to check out and you just never know what might be hiding in there!

Jana and Teasel in action

Teasel gets a real gleam in her eye

Happy Louis too

This was taken not that long after Jana's stitches were removed. As you can see, she has healed well and is now back to full fitness. The enforced restricted exercise had not gone down too well and she was getting like a coiled spring towards the end of it!
The two days of dog shows were very enjoyable and, much to my surprise, the showground at Ingliston (Edinburgh) had not turned into a mud bath. Rosa had the best result at the champ show as she won her class, neither Pansy or Desmond got placed but they both had large classes. I think Des had 14 in his and although he started out looking quite perky, he was decidedly bored by the end of it! At the pap club show the next day, again all three had large classes but this time Pansy was the only one to do anything, she was placed 4th out of 10.
Sorry to those who were interested in what the shows were like, I forgot to take my camera with me the first day and had it the second but didn't really use it! I'll make more of an effort at the next big show we go to.
A good weekend but lots of driving and very tiring. I think it took me until the Wednesday to recover.